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Tuesday 19 October 2010

Asmara oh Asmara!

At the moment, the hottest Malay guy in my eyes is Shahz Jaszle.His popularity is peaking these days especially with his drama at Lestary slot every Tuesday entitled Asmara.The 13 episode drama is about a guy name Asmara and his bumpy life story.Being tricked to marry a girl he didn't love by his own father was not the only thing he has to endure, he also has to father her unborn baby.On top of that he has to suffer Zaliya's(his wife) insults and her affair with father of the child-Razif. Everytime unworthy words came out of her mouths, I felt like wanna  whack her head to wake her to her sense.Many said that Asmara's character is too perfect and there wont be any man can stand a wife like Zaliya but its no harm to think that someone wonderful like that does exixt in this world-positive thinking right?So here's some synopsis about the drama that I'm talking about:
Drama 13 episod ini mendapat sentuhan kreatif daripada sutradara Heykal Hanafiah dan juga skrip daripada penulis yang tidak asing lagi Sharifah Abu Salem. ASMARA mengisahkan Zaliya (Faezah Elai) yang terlanjur dengan teman lelakinya, Raziq (Nazim Othman) sehingga mengandungkan anak luar nikah.
Faezah Elai ( Zaliya) dan Shaz Jazle ( Asmara)
Bagi menutup malu, ayah Zaliya, Sahlan meminta Malik membenarkan anaknya, Asmara (Shaz Jazle) mengahwini Zaliya kerana Malik pernah berjanji untuk membalas hutang nyawanya. Malik yang tidak mengetahui tentang kehamilan Zaliya telah meminta Asmara menunaikan janjinya kepada bapa Zaliya. Walaupun keberatan dan mengenali perangai buruk Zaliya yang sekolej dengannya, Asmara terpaksa setuju dan melupakan perasaan hatinya dengan rakan baiknya Melati (Faralyna).
Pada malam pertama perkahwinan, Zaliya telah membongkar rahsianya malah dia juga memberitahu Asmara bahawa mereka hanya perlu berlakon dan akan meneruskan kehidupan masing-masing seperti biasa.
Asmara yang mengetahui cerita sebenar Zaliya merasa tertipu dan marah kerana dijadikan Pak Sanggup oleh bapanya sendiri dek kerana terhutang nyawaZaliya pula tidak puas hati kerana dijodohkan dengan Asmara, sering mencari salah Asmara dan meminta diceraikan. Asmara akur dengan permintaan Zaliya dan akan menceraikannya selepas dia melahirkan anak.
Zaliya terpaksa menangguhkan pembelajarannya di kolej kerana kandungannya semakin membesar. Sahlan bimbang jika rakan-rakan perniagaan akan mengetahui tentang Zaliya telah mengurung Zaliya di rumah. Walaupun tidak mencintai Zaliya, Asmara telah bertindak untuk melindunginya dan berpindah keluar daripada rumah Sahlan.
Asmara telah memikul tanggungjawabnya sebagai seorang suami dan berusaha untuk menjaga keperluan harian Zaliya yang sedang sarat mengandung. Zaliya mula berbaik-baik dengan Asmara dan jarang sekali bergaduh dengannya kerana Zaliya banyak bergantung kepada Asmara.
Raziq pula berasa tidak puas hati kerana Zaliya tidak mengugurkan anaknya dan telah merancang sesuatu. Adakah bunga-bunga cinta akan mekar di hati Asmara dan Zaliya? Bagaimana pula dengan nasib Melati? Saksikan konfik cinta mereka di Lestary: Asmara mulai 31 Ogos 2010, setiap hari Selasa jam 9.00malam.
Menurut Puan Nurul Aini Abu Bakar, Pengurus Besar Kumpulan, Pengurusan Jenama TV3 & TV9, “Slot Lestary di TV3 yang berkisarkan kehidupan dan percintaan remaja. Menerusi drama bersiri ASMARA ini, pihak TV3 telah mengambil iktibar daripada masalah sosial remaja yang semakin merunsingkan akibat pergaulan bebas dan kekurangan didikan agama. Kami juga ingin menyarankan kepada golongan muda ini supaya tidak mengabaikan tanggungjawab dan juga menghormati nyawa walaupun nyawa seorang bayi yang belum dilahirkan. Semoga penonton kami dapat pengajaran selain terhibur dengan lakonan Shaz Jazle dan Faezah Elai.”
Akad Nikah Asmara dengan Zaliya
Zaliya banyak bergantung kepada Asmara

Thursday 26 August 2010

Maher Zain-Insha Allah

Insha Allah-Maher Zain

Insha Allah Lyrics | Inshallah Lyrics

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that its way too late
Your’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way x2
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah we’ll find the way

Friday 18 June 2010

Underrated celebration -Father's day.

Father's Day is a day honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in 55 of the world's countries and on other days elsewhere. It complements Mother's Day, the celebration honoring mothers. It is a widely known celebration. -Wikipedia.

To some people, Father's day and Mother's day are not as important as Valentine's Day.Even in schools in Malaysia, Teacher's Day is more highlighted than these two celebration.I hate to say this, but most Malaysians underrated this 2 events even some said we shouldn't celebrate these special day because  it's western tradition.Pour moi, such reason is absolutely unacceptable because if I accept such idea, it's also mean I admit that Westerners has better way to appreciate their parents.The numbers of parents being abandoned by their children has increased lately even there's some cases whereby they were abandoned after their savings or inheritance given to their children.

 I'm thankful to God for giving me such wonderful parents who endlessly stand behind me thru my thick and thin.Only Allah knows what they are gone thru for me and my other siblings.Raising a family of 9 with a very small income was never an easy job for my father.It was full of blood, sweat and tears.He has to do part time jobs to pay our school fees and for years he didn't get the chance to but new clothes.For him, our good grades at school is better than new clothes because it represents a good future for his children.It would be a lie I say there's not even once I disagree with my father especially when boys issue are concerned.Yet, as I grew older and wiser (perhaps),    I realised his actions and decisions was out of love for me.He also taught me to take care of my other younger siblings because if he is destined by God to 'leave' earlier, he wants the family to remain strong and united with me leading the pack.

 I've seen a lot of my friends with full of regret after their parents gone.'I wish I had more time with Pa' or 'This is too soon' were the words that I often hear.Thus whenever this 'misfortune' happen, i told myself not to repeat the same mistake.I told myself to say thank you for every chances that I can get or to say sorry for every unhappy things that i've brought to them or to hug and kiss them for every chances given by God because no one knows( except Allah) when Izrail a.k.a Grim Reaper will come to our door step.So morale of my babbling is you can have tons of lovers but your parents are irreplaceable so be good to them while they are still with us.

 p/s:To my father- Abdul Latiff Hj Idris, Happy Father's Day and I Love You with all my heart.   

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Journey to Middle Earth- Lord of the torchlights?

 Thank you Allah!.I cant be thankful enough to God for allowing  to pass the physical activities in Gua Tempurung, Perak.It is certainly unforgettable yet I really, really don't wish to do it again second time around.

There were 25 of us including 2 'Mat Salleh' tourist from UK- as for United Kingdom not Ulu Kelang.We took the Grand Tour of Gua Tempurung which also knowned as the toughest stage for Gua Tempurung.Before we started our so called journey, the chief Ranger brief us the dos and donts of caving inside there.If it wasn't because it's compulsory to join, not even RM1k can make me do it.(I'll consider if it is RM1m.).Still its all about patience and endurance.My other male colleagues were somehow enjoying it to the max as it was a rare opportunity for them to laugh at the bosses pathetic caving state( including me).

 3 things I held on to complete the journey to middle earth- my own version.

   1. I keep thinking of The Almighty- i told myself there's nothing to fear or greater but Him.
       I believed He won't forsake me.
   2. My kind friends and ranger Razis who never fail to extend their hand when I need help.
   3. The thought of Lee Joon and my baby sis laughing at my face if I didn't make it till the
       end.Their merciless ridicule and laughter is one thing I dont wish to keep in my memory 

So here some information on Gua Tempurung just in case anyone interested to go caving:

 The Wondrous Caves

One of the most majestic white marble and limestone towers in Malaysia is the Gunung Tempurung. Concealed within this limestone massif is an intricate system of caves of various dimensions honeycombed inside the limestone hills. These caves are actually a breathtaking gallery of stalagmites and stalactites and other amazing rock formations which are superb speleogical wonders found only in this part of the world. 
Tempurung Caves is located in Gopeng, Perak and can be reached from the North-South Highway by exiting through the Gopeng interchange (about 25km south of Ipoh).

Be prepared to enjoy the tranquility of rural village lifestyles as you drive by. You'll will see how simplicity works wonders in creating peace and harmony for the gentlefolks there. Truly a unique society, the social values here are only to earn an honest wage and help one another.
After you pass the village, you will pass through numerous former tin mining properties that have been converted into duck and fish farming activities. There are enough directional signboards that lead to the caves (Gua Tempurung) as soon as you clear the Gopeng Interchange.

Believed to have existed since early 8000 B.C., Gua Tempurung is probably the largest natural limestone structure in Malaysia.
Explore Perak's best-kept secret, the Tempurung Caves. One of the most majestic white marble and limestone towers in Malaysia. Concealed within the massif structure is an intricate system of caves filled with various combed dimensions.
Known to the locals as Gua Tempurung, the name conjures images of mystery and intrigue that ensures a peek into its deep and dark secrets. It comprises of five huge domes with ceilings resembling coconut shells.

Each of these domes have different calcium formations and marble that exist in differing temperatures and water levels.
These caves are famous for its breathtaking gallery of stalagmites, stalactites and other amazing rock formations that are superb speleological wonders, found only in this part of the world.
There are various tours into the caves being the main attraction here. These caves are located under the limestone hills and form tunnels that runs from east to west, nearly 1.9km in length.
Visitors can experience these tours with specific requirements of prior preparation. Certain tours such as the River Adventure Tours require visitors to bring a change of clothes and shoes. Torch lights and safety helmets are available for rent.

 What to Bring- negligance may cost you unforgettable and embarassing moments:
  • Good walking shoes- one of the group member came back with socks only.
  • Change of clothes - unless you go for dry tour
  • Towel - as per above
  • Toiletries - as per above
  • Insects Repellent - unless you wanna do blood donation for Edward the mosquitoes
  • Torch Light - you will be blind with the absolute darkness without it.

TYPE OF PACKAGES AVAILABLE (rates is the same as stated below)

Monday 31 May 2010

Let's do some light exercise!

This is cute and innovative. Read slowly, but most importantly, do the exercise!

A doctor advises his patients to exercise their neck by just reading this message.

In the end, all patients go home happily without asking the doctor for any medications.  'It is very effective,' said the doctor.

'All my patients never come back to me again.'

scroll down ...

scroll down some more...

7 ways to keep your memory sharp at any age

As we grow older, we all start to notice some changes in our ability to remember things.
Maybe you’ve gone into the kitchen and can’t remember why, or can’t recall a familiar name during a conversation. You may even miss an appointment because it slipped your mind. Memory lapses can occur at any age, but we tend to get more upset by them as we get older because we fear they’re a sign of dementia, or loss of intellectual function. The fact is, significant memory loss in older people isn’t a normal part of aging—but is due to organic disorders, brain injury, or neurological illness, with Alzheimer’s being among the most feared.
Most of the fleeting memory problems that we experience with age reflect normal changes in the structure and function of the brain. These changes can slow certain cognitive processes, making it a bit harder to learn new things quickly or screen out distractions that can interfere with memory and learning. Granted, these changes can be frustrating and may seem far from benign when we need to learn new skills or juggle myriad responsibilities. Thanks to decades of research, there are various strategies we can use to protect and sharpen our minds. Here are seven you might try.

1. Keep learning
A higher level of education is associated with better mental functioning in old age. Experts think that advanced education may help keep memory strong by getting a person into the habit of being mentally active. Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to activate processes that help maintain individual brain cells and stimulate communication among them. Many people have jobs that keep them mentally active, but pursuing a hobby or learning a new skill can function the same way. Read; join a book group; play chess or bridge; write your life story; do crossword or jigsaw puzzles; take a class; pursue music or art; design a new garden layout. At work, propose or volunteer for a project that involves a skill you don’t usually use. Building and preserving brain connections is an ongoing process, so make lifelong learning a priority.

2. Use all your senses
The more senses you use in learning something, the more of your brain will be involved in retaining the memory. In one study, adults were shown a series of emotionally neutral images, each presented along with a smell. They were not asked to remember what they saw. Later, they were shown a set of images, this time without odors, and asked to indicate which they’d seen before. They had excellent recall for all odor-paired pictures, and especially for those associated with pleasant smells. Brain imaging indicated that the piriform cortex, the main odor-processing region of the brain, became active when people saw objects originally paired with odors, even though the smells were no longer present and the subjects hadn’t tried to remember them. So challenge all your senses as you venture into the unfamiliar. For example, try to guess the ingredients as you smell and taste a new restaurant dish. Give sculpting or ceramics a try, noticing the feel and smell of the materials you’re using.

3. Believe in yourself
Myths about aging can contribute to a failing memory. Middle-aged and older learners do worse on memory tasks when they’re exposed to negative stereotypes about aging and memory, and better when the messages are positive about memory preservation into old age. People who believe that they are not in control of their memory function are less likely to work at maintaining or improving their memory skills and therefore are more likely to experience cognitive decline. If you believe you can improve and you translate that belief into practice, you have a better chance of keeping your mind sharp.
4. Economize your brain use
If you don’t need to use mental energy remembering where you laid your keys or the time of your granddaughter’s birthday party, you’ll be better able to concentrate on learning and remembering new and important things. Take advantage of calendars and planners, maps, shopping lists, file folders, and address books to keep routine information accessible. Designate a place at home for your glasses, purse, keys, and other items you use often. Remove clutter from your office or home to minimize distractions, so you can focus on new information that you want to remember.
5. Repeat what you want to know
When you want to remember something you’ve just heard, read, or thought about, repeat it out loud or write it down. That way, you reinforce the memory or connection. For example, if you’ve just been told someone’s name, use it when you speak with him or her: “So, John, where did you meet Camille?” If you place one of your belongings somewhere other than its usual spot, tell yourself out loud what you’ve done. And don’t hesitate to ask for information to be repeated.

6. Space it out
Repetition is most potent as a learning tool when it’s properly timed. It’s best not to repeat something many times in a short period, as if you were cramming for an exam. Instead, re-study the essentials after increasingly longer periods of time — once an hour, then every few hours, then every day. Spacing out periods of study is particularly valuable when you are trying to master complicated information, such as the details of a new work assignment. Research shows that spaced rehearsal improves recall not only in healthy people but also in those with certain physically based cognitive problems, such as those associated with multiple sclerosis.

7. Make a mnemonic
This is a creative way to remember lists. Mnemonic devices can take the form of acronyms (such as RICE to remember first-aid advice for injured limbs: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) or sentences (such as the classic “Every good boy does fine” to remember the musical notes E, G, B, D, and F on the lines of the treble clef).

Thursday 27 May 2010

Because of Hyori.....

'My name is Lee Hyo Lee, backward or forward also Lee Hyo Lee'- that the famous Hyori's rap from Family Outing season 1.My sister commented that I'm weird for fangirling over Hyori.Swing the other way for Hyori?Ha ha ha not to that extend. I found the Infinity Challange where she got to guest in 'a court as witness against Yoo Jae Suk'.Funny?Absolutely!.Then later I found the mv I've been looking for with english subbed of 'Scolded'.I love how she deliver the emotion in this song so now I'm goin to post the lyrics to share:


You must always remember to shave...
Don't wear your shirts when wrinkled
And remember--only one cup of coffee per day...

Please begin to smoke less
And avoid spicy and salty foods
Now you, as well, need to start practicing being alone


Just cus I'm gone, don't make drinking a habit
I want you to be the one to take care of yourself
Don't be the pushover that you are
And start speaking up for yourself

Just cus I'm gone, don't be sick and be well
Always take care of your meals and what you eat
Even if it may be annoying and you don't feel like doing it all...
I'm asking you this as a favor.

Don't go to Apgu often
All those pretty girls there make me nervous/jealous
If a girl acts sweet and nice to you
It's all fake and a way to get to you
Don't fall too fast over heels
Cus I'll still be watching you~
Just cus I'm gone dont make drinking a habit
I want you to be the one to take care of yourself
Don't be the pushover that you are
And start speaking up for yourself

Just cus I'm gone, don't be sick and be well
Always take care of your meals and what you eat
Even if it may be annoying and you don't feel like doing it all...
I'm asking you this as a favor.

I worry most about you who'll be left behind when I go

Up until now, I've only been nagging
Only remember me when I was at my worst
And you must practice erasing me from your mind
I'll tell you one more time
But don't be sick and be well
Always take care of your meals and what you eat
Even if it may be annoying and you don't feel like doing it all...
I'm asking you this as a favor.

Because I leave after only nagging to you...
I'm sorry

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Smile- the cheapest facelift

Someone told me to smile and never to frown because you would never know whose life will be brighten up with that simple smile.I asked him .,'Oh really?'.He smiled to me and answered, 'Absolutely, yours have brightened up mine.Plus why would those uncles fall for you?."I laughed as he referred the uncles as the hotel guests who always look for me whenever they stay at my work place.The identity of this person?.Let it be a secret for now.Being in hotel industry for 7 years, a smile is an absolute weapon for hoteliers to have.It was hard for me during my first year in the industry but bit by bit it became a part of me.

Importance of breakfast

Skipping breakfast seem like a good way of losing weight .WRONG!.Honestly, I was one of those idiot who skipped breakfast to lose weight which i lost NONE.Instead of lesser weight, i gained another thing- Gastric pain!.Clever, huh?.As an avid K-Drama follower, I always wonder why those Koreans never look fat though their consumption of breakfast is almost like LUNCH.Was it only for tv purpose?Apparently, it was not as my Korean friend told me.He asked me to search on the net about the importance of taking breakfast( which he nagged me for skipping one).So off I went to the net and here's the article that I would like to share:

Breakfast is the first meal of our day, and has a great amount of significance in how our body functions as the day progresses. It is considered as the most important meal of the day. Yet, most of us, do skip breakfasts, often due to lack of time, or on the pretense that breakfast would make us sluggish at work. The truth, though, is that a good breakfast gives you the necessary fuel to make your day all the more productive, providing you with adequate energy till lunch time. Now, 'how can a heavy breakfast help you lose weight', you ask? Contrary to what you may think a good healthy breakfast can actually help you lose weight and provide you with necessary nutrition. Let us first understand a few facts about the benefits of breakfast and then, we can see the importance of breakfast for weight loss.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

migraine .....

What is a migraine headache?

A migraine headache is a form of vascular headache. Migraine headache is caused by vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels) that causes the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around the large arteries of the brain. Enlargement of these blood vessels stretches the nerves that coil around them and causes the nerves to release chemicals. The chemicals cause inflammation, pain, and further enlargement of the artery. The increasing enlargement of the arteries magnifies the pain.

Noona syndrome

Let admit the fact woman age is like price of a car- the older it gets, the lower price go down.As woman- this reality is absolutely sucks yet there's also a lot of type of cars as for vintage cars or sport cars the price will never waver even went higher.And 'vintage car or sports' is the kind of women that young man nowadays look up too.If the woman has the look, the body, the personality and great successful career- your are the vintage car they are looking for.An interesting fact of Hallyu is their music or drama accepted this 'noona syndrome' in their business and even became the reason of success for such like Shinee and Lee Seunggi.

Remember Me- Lee Hyori

When this song come out from my car cd player, my mind travels back in time.It remind me of my unsuccessful relationship with that someone.It has been 3 years now and it still feel like yesterday when we call it quit.

07. Remember Me
translation by: gyool

* When I see you when I miss you
I remember the day we were together
When I see you when I miss you
I remember the day we were together

I'll close my two eyes tightly
So that now you can hug me
I hope you don't know
Not even the glances from the awkward nervousness

You passed me for a second MY LOVE
Dont you like me? Did you believe that I forgot you?
From the hard separation and the long time
My heart is resting for a while

**I love you because I love you
Words cant replace you
No matter who comes, I cant share you
I let you go

***I love you because I love you
I'll love you instead of her
Promise me the last love
Im content with that
But still I love you

repeat *

Body language for dummies

Have you ever wonder why its so hard to get into a relationship though you have great look, great career in hand and good with words.Maybe its time to learn bout the body languages before you go to the next step and make a fool out of yourself.
Here's some good article i wanna share:

Notice their movements, facial expressions, gestures or posture. Now, if you want to sharpen your own appearance, you’ll need to work on those very same attributes.

You can start with the following steps:

Slow Down: A general rule you should keep in mind. Move slowly, speak slowly, make pauses when you speak! Rushed people will seem aimless and insecure.

Facial signals

How many times do you encounter your boss walk into the office with sulky face in the morning.What was your impression?Definitely you would say its goin to be a hell day in the office.So its better to learn to understand the meaning of facial signals to save your day.Here some notes that might help:

Facial signals
The face is used a great deal in sending greeting signals, and accompanies other greeting activity for example saying:
• Smiling: I am pleased to see you.
• Frowning: I am angry with you.
• Raised eyebrows: I am surprised to see you.
• Eyebrows together: I do not know your name.
• Looking down: I am inferior to you.
• Expressionless: I do not care about you.
Eye contact is particularly important in greeting and is usually held for a socially prescribed period. Prolonged eye contact can indicate both affection and dominance. Little or no eye contact can indicate timidity ('I dare not look at you'), dislike ('I do not want to see you') or dominance ('You are unimportant and below my interest.'). As with the handshake, a dominant signal may be sent under cover of the 'friendly' greeting.